I know it's been awhile since my last post and I do apologize for my absent tendencies. But now that I'm back we have a serious topic to discuss, and you have the opportunity to win a prize!
Some of you may know (through my blabbing or you've been directed here by a letter/email you have recieved) about my good friend Kelly D. Kelly and her hubby Josh found out a few months ago that they are expecting a new member of their family. Baby D is due to arrive July 23, 2009 .
This in mind, family and friends are all very excited to find out if it's going to be a girl or boy. Some people like the element of surprise, others~ not so much. The second is the standings of Kelly and Josh. Unlike a lot of insurance carriers though, their insurance may not cover the 20 week ultra-sound where the sex of the baby is usually discovered.
Here's where you and prizes come into play!
After sleepless nights and late night telephone coversations, I offered up to Kelly to hold a raffle to raise money for the ultra-sound. After much back and forth-ing, here's what we've come up with.
Kelly, her mom, and I are each going to hand make blank stationary cards. You can use them for birthday wishes, get well soon, thanks or just because. It's your choice. These cards are going to be bundled in sets of 10. There will be three bundles and thus three chances to win. The raffle is starting immediately and will go through March 18th. It's a short time frame but I think we can do some real good here! Each entry will cost $1. So for each dollar you contribute, your name will go into the "hat" once. At the end of the time, Lily will draw 3 names out of the hat and those people will win one set of stationary.
Kelly and I both feel that it's VERY important that people know where their money is going in a situation like this. Here's the break down: As I mentioned before, the insurance coverage is still somewhat up in the air, depending on other routine tests and their results. I want to stress that any and all monies contributed to this fund will go to baby D, no matter what. If the ultra-sound is covered by insurance, OR we raise more money than necessary, additional funds will go to the CLOTH DIAPER FUND! That's right, sensitive bottoms and landfills everywhere unite in a single joyful noise, BABY D WON'T BE CONTRIBUTING TO THE MESS! (Well, not in disposable diapers anyways!) What many people don't realize is that for the immediate cost of roughly 30 adjustable diapers, baby D will never need a disposable pant. The up front cost of these "bootie barriers" however, is staggering. But long term, they pay for themselves in roughly three months and that includes the cleaning and sanitizing costs. So this option also assists in saving mom and dad as well!
In an attempt to keep this from getting too boring, I'm going to finish this post by inviting you to the contest and see what you can win! If you are interested, feel free to contact me about contributions and buy-ins for this project. If you are visiting my blog via Kelly and Josh, WELCOME, and feel free to contact me or the D's. Contributions are accepted to either party. You can reach me at:
WhatWillBabyDBe@aol.com (that's right, I have set up a private email address just for this project!)
ALSO~ please follow the progress of this contest via blog post and photos here! Feel free to pass on this site, to friends and family. (even if you don't know Kelly and Josh, it's a great cause and cool prizes, even my friend who works at the local grocery store wants to buy in! She's my checker and a sweet heart!)