Time passed quickly on the porch with cold drinks and chatting it up about nothing and everything all at the same time. We solved the problems of the world and enjoyed doing so with a giggle! Minutes turned to hours and night into day seemlessly~making it harder to leave on Sunday. Monday proved to be a joke, trying to fall back into a routine and catch up on house work. YEA~Right....that evening we did get to meet Ashtyn's teacher and see her classroom.
I'm still dealing with it all just fine. I'm sure it won't really hit me until tomorrow when I walk out of the building and leave her behind. Just thinking about it now is gettting me a bit, I must confess. As for Lily~ yesterday I was changing some laundry over and things got quiet upstairs. Ashtyn and I were talking when we realized that Lily had been too quiet for too long! Racing up the stairs we find Lil with my lipstick. And to my shock...applied very well for a 2year old. Goodness they grow up fast!
I guess I should sign off here....I know tomorrow will bring a whole new batch of emotions that I should post....if I have the time.
thank you for coming to see me. that was way too much fun. good luck to you and ashtyn this week. i'll be thinking of you. oh and lily looks like she's done that before. i'm just saying.
I bet you can't wait to scrap these pics!!! There is a lipstick cut on PDDU if you want for me to send it to you...
OMIGOSH it's like Lily has gotten Glamor Shots! :-)
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