I guess you could say that I am in one of "those" moods. One where you aren't happy or sad, just coming to a bunch of realizations that we have a hard time holding onto. My children are growing. More and more each day, they get smarter, funnier and continue to develop personalities. Just the other day, Ashtyn decided to play "Super Hero ~ UNDERWEAR GIRL"...yes, she was wearing it on her head.

And Lily, she decided that the best microphone for karaoke was the dogs tail. Hysterical!

So much has happened lately that I have really started to look closely and analyze my life. My relationship with my children and husband. I am so lucky. No, not lucky, BLESSED. Rick has been so good to me over the years. Yes, everyone has rough times but it was always getting better. He's kept his promises to me and we are doing well. My children, they are happy healthy kids. (Now, I am kindly leaving out the attitude of the 13 year old ....or the tantrums of the two year old...) But they are good kids. Trent has started mowing the lawn now and he's really proud of that. I'm blessed that all of my children love me the way that they do. I have the ability to stay at home and raise my children myself. It's truly amazing. I pray that our relationships only grow stronger. I know that we live in a tough time, our economy is crap, violence is as high as ever and drug use is everywhere. Yet, perhaps with the right love and guidance, we can teach our children where to find the narrow path to success and happiness...that, is MY goal in life. To help them pursue theirs.
and if nothing else, underwear girl can always save the day! j/k. the pics are awesome. i can't believe how big the dog is next to lily. too funny!
So was the Super Hero underwear girl in any way inspired by the LO I sent you of my son as Captain Underpants...I guess we just have way more in common than we thought...I mean even our kids come up with the same sillt superhero get-ups...LOL
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