Monday, June 30, 2008

Just a quick update...

Ashtyn informed me (at 10:00 last night) that she has yet ANOTHER loose tooth....the last one she lost was her bottom left center...this tooth, top right...Lord help me!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's a bit overwhelming....

Wow, this past week has been just nuts. Sunday the 21st, Ashtyn lost her first tooth. It had become more and more loose the days leading up to the big event from her constantly fidgeting with it. Around noon, while riding her bike Ashtyn bit down hard while bracing for a fall (she has already mastered no training wheels), and caused the wiggly member to bleed and become far more unstable. After clearing tears and rinsing with cold water, she was warned that it may come out the next day and to just leave it be for awhile. Roughly two hours later, she comes to me and says (mouth full of blood) "Mom, it came out!" Thrust her hand up to me and there it was, proof that my baby was growing up. We cleaned her up and sent her to play and show off her new milestone ~ while I cried. That night, the tooth fairy left her $5 for the first tooth... and the tooth fairy cried. Monday night....Lily made the transition to "big girl bed" the toddler bed that looks like a VW Bug. She made the change so easily that now I don't even have to fight her to take a nap, she just loves it. We made it through the week with little change to life. Friday Lily had her first movie theater date. Jackie and I took Lily and Graham (2 weeks age difference) to see WALL*E. Cute movie! Today, Saturday has also hit me rough. Today is my brother, Scotty's birthday. He's 17. This man is one of the most amazing people I have ever had the blessing to know. And what makes me far more lucky is that he's my brother. There is a bond that will never be broken. I'm so blessed. He is just a great person, adorable, smart, funny, talented. Well rounded 'All American' boy. I'm so proud of him. And I miss him to pieces! And to top off my week, I got a new Cricut Cartridge, Stretch Your Imagination. It's WAY adorable! I hope this post wasn't too boring, perhaps I will be able to spice it up a bit more next time.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I guess I'm blog-a-riffic?

Well, here I am. Finally moving onto the more "mature" version of internet posting. I once vowed never to become a "blogger", but thanks to I am. Let me start by saying that my posts will never be as glorious as hers. She uses fancy words like "ramekin of dip" I will tell you now, my word would be "tub". But if you can handle the ramblings of a mother....mother of 5 to be exact...Stop by any time and see what's new.